There have been limited reports of animals becoming infected with COVID-19. There is currently no evidence that pets or other domestic animals play a significant role in the spread of COVID-19. If you are sick, it is recommended that you avoid contact with pets and other animals, just like you would other people, until more […]
If the cost of a high-tech security system is beyond your means, consider these low-cost options to keep your home safe. Window shades -install window and door shades that make it difficult to see if someone is home. Lock it – Enhance your security by choosing a locking solution that includes a high-grade deadbolt and […]
The boat is out of the water and bubble wrapped. The lawn furniture put away. The garden harvested and void of anything living and green. All tasks completed for the next season of white fluff, shovels, and parkas! Unfortunately, preparing your home for winter requires some attention as well. As a homeowner for thirty plus […]
Although Halloween can be fun for both kids and adults with dressing up, trick-or-treating and Halloween parties, it can be a difficult and stressful time for our pets. From the constant doorbell ringing, to costumes and loud noises, frightened pets are more likely to run away or exhibit out-of-character behaviour including biting, scratching, and barking […]
If you plan on being away from your home from an extended period of time, here are some tips you should consider to keep your home safe. Keep up regular home maintenance. Overgrown lawns or driveways full of snow are giveaways that the homeowner isn’t at home. If a potential thief is staking out houses, […]